Minutes 7th March 2024

Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
Minutes of the full Council meeting held at Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel on Thursday 7 th
March 2024 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true and
accurate record.
Cllrs D Sisson (Chair), C Holmes (Vice-Chair), S Andrew, C Edwards, and T Robson; and County Cllr
W Bowkett.
Clerk - J Sargent.
There were two members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
Resident 1 asked for an explanation of the expectations of the role of a Councillor. Cllr Sisson
advised this would be answered under the co-option item.
Report from District Councillor T Taylor
District Cllr T Taylor circulated ELDC news updates via email.
Report from County Councillor W Bowkett
County Councillor W Bowkett submitted a written report which was distributed to Councillors via
email. Cllr Bowkett also reported on attending a meeting in Croft regarding the National Grid
Pylon proposals from Grimsby to Walpole hosted by the Boston and Skegness MP. Cllr Bowkett
encouraged residents to submit objections to the plans. Cllr Bowkett suggested the proposed
pylon were in an RAF flight path and that the proposals had not been properly costed.
Cllr Bowkett gave a brief update on highways, including repairs to footpaths, potholes, and roads.
An extra £19 million has been allocated to the highways budget and an extra £4 million has been
allocated to a flood fund to help alleviate issues with surface water. Additional machinery is also
going to be purchased to help clear drains, which will again help with flooding issues.
Cllr Bowkett attended a flood forum hosted by the Louth and Horncastle MP which was well
attended, including representatives from the Environment Agency, LCC and local Drainage Boards.
Cllr Bowkett submitted questions on behalf of the Parish Council to scrutinise drainage on new
planning applications. Assurances were sought.
With no further matters, it was resolved to move into formal session.
87. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of escape
routes towards emergency exits.
88. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from District Councillor T Taylor.
89. Declarations of Interest
None received.
90. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 11 th January 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes from January as a
true and accurate record.
91. Co-option:
a. To invite applicants for co-option to present themselves to the Parish Council and
to allow the Councillors to ask questions of the applicants.
Two candidates had put in applications for co-option, Cllr Sisson invited the candidates to
introduce themselves to the Parish Council. Mrs Clare introduced herself as a long-term resident
of the area, having raised a family and worked in the area. Mrs Clare provided a brief history of her
career as a doctor and other business interests in tourism. Mrs Clare also spoke of her
involvement in the tennis club at Spilsby, with a particular interest in safeguarding. Mrs Clare
stated her desire to contribute to the community and acknowledged the time and effort it would
take to be a Councillor.
Mr Vickers introduced himself as Lincolnshire born and bred, giving a summary of his career in
agriculture settling in the area as an estate manager. Mr Vickers and his family have been
renovating a barn and could offer plenty of practical experience to the Council.
Cllr Sisson asked Councillors if they had any questions for the candidates. Cllr Sisson asked if the
candidates would find it a challenge to sign up to the code of conduct.
Mr Vickers acknowledged that it comes with the role and that it would be important to be honest
and objective during discussions.
Mrs Clare mentioned that the Nolan Principles are similar to the principles embraced as a doctor.
Cllr Sisson also asked the candidates if they had any specific interests.
Mrs Clare mentioned planning and flooding; issues such as the pylon proposals and Mr Vickers
mentioned issues such as flooding.
b. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in
accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters.
c. To consider applications for co-option.
Councillors discussed the applicants for co-option, and it was put to a vote.
d. To resolve to reopen the meeting to the public and the media.
It was resolved unanimously to reopen the meeting.
e. To declare the result of the vote.
Cllr Sisson declared the result of the vote as both candidates were co-opted on to the Council.
f. To invite the successful candidate(s) to join the meeting.
Both the successful candidates signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the
meeting. Cllr Sisson welcomed the new Councillors - C Clare and J Vickers.
92. Finances
a. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for January.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for
b. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for January.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s
financial status.
c. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for February.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for
d. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for February.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to date on the Council’s financial
status, for information purposes only.
e. To confirm the date of the end of year internal audit.
The date of the internal audit was confirmed as Monday 29 th April, for the annual return to be
signed off at the May meeting.
93. To receive a report from:
a. The Chair.
Cllr Sisson circulated a report prior to the meeting via email; mentioned issues reported to fix my
street, issues on the B1195 to Spilsby relating to vegetation in the gutters and footpaths reported
to the County Council.
b. The Clerk.
The Clerk issued a report via email, circulated prior to the meeting.
94. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or
a. Housing Development on Halton Road - 600 houses.
Plans have been submitted, by the lead developer - Gleesons in conjunction with Cynden Homes,
to ELDC but are yet to be validated by the District Council.
Cllr Sisson suggested forming a working party to formulate a response once the plans have been
made available and mentioned reading through the previous plan which is available on ELDC’s
planning portal. It was resolved unanimously to form a working group to form a response.
Issues that the Parish Council have previously been concerned with include surface water and
other flooding issues, highways, speed limits and health care provision.
b. To consider a response to the National Grid Pylon proposals, Grimsby to Walpole.
Cllr Sisson thanked Cllrs Edwards and Andrew for attending a webinar meeting and to Cllr Edwards
for drafting the response to the consultation.
Cllr Edwards reported that the plans have strong backing from the Government, however, there
are a group of MPs, including 7 that represent Lincolnshire’s constituencies are against the plans.
Costings for the various options were mentioned and their accuracy questioned. Cllr Edwards also
attended a meeting with the Boston and Skegness MP held in Croft, where the proposals were
Cllr Clare asked for the response to include the loss of both tourism and agriculture, which will
have a detrimental economic impact to residents in the parish and on the area as a whole. It was
agreed to include both in the response.
Cllr Holmes sought clarification on some wording in the response which was amended.
It was resolved unanimously to submit the response to the National Grid. A copy of the response
to be included in the minutes folder.
95. To receive an update on highways, footpaths, and road closures.
a. To consider the problems with parking on Station Road.
Cllr Holmes advised that issues on the road are continuing to get worse. Cllr Sisson advised Cllr
Bowkett is waiting for the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to finish their assessment and
issue the report.
Cllr Andrew suggested asking pupils from the Primary School to write to the MP Victoria Atkins to
help resolve the issue.
b. Issues to be reported or already reported to fix my street.
Issues reported to fix my street were already covered in the meeting.
96. Village Flood Investigation.
a. To receive a Flood Report Update.
b. To receive a review of the Action Plan.
c. To receive a report on the community flood defence update meeting in Wainfleet.
Cllr Sisson reported a visit to the parish from the local drainage board, Spilsby’s District Councillor
and Cllr Bowkett. The visit covered a tour of the drainage systems in the area and a talk of the
three main mechanisms that cause flooding including the development in the area over the last 25
Cllr Sisson spoke of the representatives being very receptive to the issues and finding possible
solutions including catchwaters on Washdyke Lane to allow water to flow south. Cllr Sisson
mentioned that maps and reports are on the Council’s website. Cllr Sisson also shared concerns
about the finances required but reassured Councillors that the authorities are now paying
Questions were put to MP Victoria Atkins at a recent flood forum meeting as to why the
Environment Agency are spending all their funding on capital projects rather than maintenance
and how were the relevant authorities going to rectify the unattenuated flows from developments
in Spilsby, that come towards Halton Holegate and Halton Fenside. Cllr Sisson to follow this up
with the MP.
Councillors thanked Cllr Sisson for his contribution and valuable knowledge on this subject. Cllr
Holmes stressed the need for tangible results as soon as possible, as currently no one is
accountable for the issues.
97. To consider hosting a D-Day Commemoration event.
Councillors discussed the possibility of hosting an event or purchasing the Lamp of Peace as well as
ringing the bells at the Church.
It was resolved unanimously to purchase the Lamp of Peace under the condition that it can be
kept by the Church for safekeeping.
98. To consider future meeting dates for 2024-25.
Councillors reviewed the meeting dates, to continue to be held bimonthly on the second Thursday
of the month. It was resolved unanimously to confirm the dates submitted for consideration.
99. To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
 The Local Council Award Scheme
 Updates for the D-Day Commemoration Event.
100. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 9 th May 2024.
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 9 th May 2024.
101. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in
accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters.
102. To. consider confidential staffing matters.
All confidential staffing matters were resolved unanimously.
With no further comments, Cllr Sisson closed the meeting at 9:15pm.
Chair of the Council - Cllr D Sisson
Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent
9 th May 2024