Members Expenses Policy
Halton Holegate with Fenside Parish Council
Last reviewed/adopted : September 2022
Policy Statement
Halton Holegate Parish Council does not pay any basic members’ allowance to elected councillors.
Halton Holgegate Parish Council does not allow for the reimbursement of day- to-day duties or attending Parish Council meetings. Parish Council members are not entitled to claim a dependent's' carer’s allowance.
Councillors, including co-opted councillors and employees of Halton Holegate Parish Council may claim for approved travel expenses and subsistence incurred whilst undertaking agreed training for the Parish Council.
Any expenditure in respect of training outside of the LALC’s Training Schedule, to which Halton Holegate Parish Council has subscribed, must be approved by council prior to attendance.
Items purchased specifically at the direction of the Council
These will only be reimbursed subject to the prior agreement of the council and on production of a valid receipt.
Members must endeavour to obtain a VAT receipt in the name of the Council for all such purchases, and this must be passed to the Clerk, together with the claim for reimbursement.
Other Expenses
Reimbursement of any other expenditure will only be by prior agreement with the council.
The rate for travelling expenses for members travelling from their home to a pre agreed training event, shall be set in accordance with the procedures stipulated in The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.