Emergency Plan and Directory
Halton Holegate with Fenside Parish Council
To supplement the ELDC Emergency Response and Business Continuity
Adopted September 2022
Date |
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Reason for amendment |
Changed by |
June 22 |
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New Draft Document |
T Robson |
August 22 |
All |
Updated with feedback from Councillor reviews |
T Robson |
Our parish is very small with very limited resources. In the event of an emergency, we would need to call upon outside agencies for assistance. They would have access to all the necessary equipment and support. Whilst this plan does not describe the steps to be taken during an emergency, it gives an understanding of who to contact to prevent a minor incident developing into a major one.
Electorate Halton Holegate and Fenside 390
Key Contacts in an emergency: -
Emergency Planning Unit, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth, Lincs, LN11 8UP
Steve Eason-Harris
Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Officer Lincolnshire County Council
County Emergency Centre South Park Avenue Lincoln
Email: steve.eason-harris@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Mobile: 077752 20148
Website https://www.lincs.police.uk/
Tel: 01754 762 401
Address: Dorothy Avenue, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE25 2BS
Website: https://www.lincolnshirecommunityhealthservices.nhs.uk/our-services/community-hospitals
The Urgent Treatment Centre is open 24 hours a day for urgent assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Patients are asked to contact NHS 111 before attending, but walk-in is available
Parish Contacts
Halton Holegate Parish Clerk - Vacant Phone: TBA
Email: HHPCClerk@Outlook.com
Website: https://halton-holegate.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
David Sisson, (Chair), Tel: 07774 015716. Email: dsissonhhpc@gmail.com
East Lindsey District Councillor – Terry Taylor
Lincolnshire County Councillor – Wendy Bowkett
Member of Parliament – Victoria Atkins
Other Agency Contacts
Environment Agency
Floodline: 0845 988 1188
Emergency Hotline: 0800 807 060
Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board
In the event of any restriction or blockage to the flow of water in ordinary watercourses in eastern part of village including fly tipping where water flow is impeded.
24hrs Hotline: 01507 328 095
Witham 4th District Internal Drainage Board
In the event of any restriction or blockage to the flow of water in ordinary watercourses in western part of village and in Fenside including fly tipping where water flow is impeded.
24hrs Hotline: 01205 310099
Anglian Water
Any Mains water main or sewage leaks to be reported to AWA
Emergency Leaks: 0800 771 881
National Grid Safety and Emergencies
Safety problems relating to the overhead high voltage transmission such as broken poles or wires seriously close to the ground.
Northern Powergrid
Tel: 105 or 0800 404 090
What to do in an emergency: Do NOT approach any hazard, even at ground level. Keep as far away as possible. Follow these steps:
Warn anyone in the area to evacuate or stay away.
Call 0800 404 090 or 105 24hr electricity emergency hotline.
Tell us where the emergency is or describe the area or road signs is you don’t know.
Explain what has happened and what you can see. Give your name and phone number.
Any gas leak or damage to the distribution system, or if a pipeline is struck (even if no gas leak has occurred):
Emergency 24 hr hotline: 0800 111 999
Parish Resources
Halton Holegate CofE Primary School
Station Road, Halton Holegate, PE23 5PB
Website https://www.haltonholegateprimaryschool.co.uk/
Email: enquiries@haltonholegate.lincs.sch.uk
Telephone 01790 752575
Defibrillator located by School entrance Details of rooms: 1 hall and 3 classrooms
Toilet Facilities: Yes Kitchen Facilities: None. Catering Facilities: No
Parking: 8 vehicles total
St Andrews Church
Website https://haltonholegatestandrew.co.uk/
Email: standrewshaltonholegate@gmail.com
The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby PE23 5EF
Email: TBA
Mrs Christine King 01790 752660
Details of rooms: None Heating: oil fired central heating,
Toilet Facilities: None. Kitchen Facilities: None. Catering Facilities: No Parking: 5 vehicles total
Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel & Meeting Room
Mr & Mrs I Clough 01790 754729
Details of Rooms: Chapel & Separate Meeting Room Heating: Oil Fired Central Heating
Toilet Facilities: Yes Kitchen Facilities: Yes
Catering Facilities: Yes, but limited
Resources Available Within the Parish
Farmers R I Clough & Son (Has heavy machinery such as tractors) Beverley House Spilsby Rd, Halton Holgate, Spilsby, PE23 5NY
Tel 01790 752294
There are no medical centres, shops, local bus or taxi firms within the parish boundaries.
Radio Lincolnshire: 94.9, 104.7FM, 1368AM
Lincs FM: 102.2FM