March 2022 Minutes
Halton Holegate Parish Council
Cllr. Mr D J Sisson – Chairman
Cllr. Mrs C A Holmes -Vice Chairperson
Cllr. S Andrew
Cllr. R Oliver
Cllr. T Robson
Cllr. J Grant
Cllr. W Bowkett (LCC)
One member of the public
A Minutes Silence was held in remembrance of the Clerk, Mrs Christine Newton
Chair informed the Meeting that the funeral would be held on Friday 18 March 2022 at Alford Crematorium at 12:00 noon.
Agreed a formal letter of condolence and thanks to Mr Newton for his help, cooperation and support in sorting out Parish Council documents/equipment etc. be sent.
1 Apologies for absence
ELDC Councillor T Taylor (elected 3 March 2022)
2. To sign as correct the Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 January 2022
Proposed Cllr. T Robson Seconded Cllr. S Andrew and unanimously agreed.
3. To sign as correct the Minutes from the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 24 February 2022 – {this was a closed session because of the sensitive nature of the Agenda}
Proposed by Cllr. R Oliver Seconded by Cllr. T Robson and unanimously agreed. 2.
4. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. T Robson – Agenda Item 10
5. Appointment of Clerk/RFO - Cllr. D J Sisson
Adverts posted by LALC, in noticeboards and emails sent to 10 local Parish Councils. To date one completed application received. Closing date 28 March 2022. Interview Committee already agreed and will meet to shortlist and finalise interview date and format including questions.
6. Correspondence Received
a) ELDC Ward Councillor Election 3 March 2022 – notice placed in noticeboards
b) LCC Highways News Circular – circulated to all Councillors
c) ELDC Ward Election Result Notice – notice placed in noticeboards and circulated to Councillors
d) 2021/2022 Pay Awards – 1.76% increase (£10.24 to £10.42 per hour)
e) E Newsletters – forwarded weekly by Chair
f) LCC Councillor W Bowkett’s Report
7. Informative matters from LCC Councillor and ELDC Councillor
LCC Councillor had already forwarded her report, which had been circulated to Councillors. She explained rationale behind LCC 2022/2023 Budget and answered a question re efficiency of how Highways work is completed and timetable to catch up on works resulting from COVID
8. Public Participation Session
The Chair welcomed the member of the public for attending. An opportunity to speak and ask any questions was given.
9. Finance – Cllr. D J Sisson
a) Invoices to be paid
Methodist Chapel – Meeting Room Hire 2021/22 - £192.50
Clerks Final Salary – February 202 plus Back Pay) - £43.70
Inland Revenue – Clerk’s Feb Salary and Back Pay - £10.80
Inland Revenue – Clerk’s January Tax - £37.80
Proposed Cllr. T Robson, seconded Cllr. S Andrew – unanimously agreed that these invoices be paid
b) Bank Balance and Petty Cash
Lloyds Bank Account Balance; £7,155.30 (£6870.50 when above invoices paid)
Petty Cash; £13.56
Additional item to be discussed (agreed to allow this) – Webmaster Service. Chair shared that this service costs £15.00 per month and in the Council’s current circumstances he would like to suggest that the Council bought in this service for at least 2 months to enable the website to be reviewed and updated for compliancy.
Proposed Cllr. S Andrew, seconded Cllr. R Oliver and unanimously agreed for this to be actioned and reviewed at the next Meeting.
Action: Cllr D J Sisson
Chair also reported on a meeting with V Clark (internal auditor) for a briefing on AGAR and Salary protocols including generating a P45 for the deceased Clerk’s estate.
10. Planning Applications - Cllr. S Andrew
Outline erection of up to 600no. Dwellings and a Medical Centre with provision of associated open space, landscaping, estate roads and cycle ways.
To be presented to the planning Committee
S/072/00156/22 – Hawthorn House, Northorpe Road, Halton Holegate
(Cllr T Robson declared an interest)
Extension to existing detached garage to provide a first-floor home office and hobbies room and provision of an external staircase.
HHPC Response – NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS but does request that in determining the application comments submitted by a neighbor are taken into account. (HHPC response determined by Planning Standing Orders between Meetings)
Proposed Cllr. S Andrew. Seconded Cllr J Grant and agreed unanimously.
Cllr. S Andrew had checked the ELDC Planning Portal before the Meeting and a new Planning Application had been posted – re Albion Cottage, Halton Fenside.
Action: He would forward to all Councillors.
Action: Agenda item for next Meeting
11. The Future of the Methodist Chapel – report on the Public Meeting held on 16 February 2022 and future date of the next Meeting - Cllr. D J Sisson
Thanks expressed to everyone’s attendance at this Meeting; an excellent Community turnout. Progress in Membership had been made and dates for the next Meeting were awaiting confirmation from the Methodist Team, but would either be 20th, 21st, 27th or 28th of April 2022. The date would be circulated to all interested parties and in noticeboards etc. as soon as possible and the Meeting would include all feedback and next steps.
12. Polices & Procedures – Cllr. T Robson
Action from 13 January 2022
Equal Opportunities Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy was renamed Equality and Diversity Policy
Proposed Cllr. R Oliver. Seconded Cllr J Grant – that both Policies be adopted and agreed unanimously.
Action: Cllr. T Robson to review Policies timetable and present an up to date one for next Meeting
Action: Cllr. C A Holmes to put appointment of named Safeguarding Lead on May 2022 Agenda
13. Highways
Streetlight in Station Road - Repaired
Dangerous footpath on B1195 from Beverley House to Spilsby – Cleaned by LCC
Fencing from the entry into Northorpe Road to the rectory collapsing – Repairs carried out.
Thanks were expressed to Cllr. W Bowkett and Highways for all current Highway matters being resolved.
It was reported that fly tipping in Peasgate Lane had been reported to the relevant authority.
14. New Litter Bin for Halton Fenside – Cllr. C A Holmes
Action for Clerk from 13 January 2022 Meeting
Agreed that this decision be moved forward.
Action: Cllr. C A Holmes to complete paperwork and attach the required photograph taken by Cllr D J Sisson and then forward to ELDC
15. Halton Holegate Church of England School – Defibrillator Cllr. T Robson
Action from 13 January 2022 Meeting
Cllr. T Robson had sent a report to all Councillors with the latest information as to the purchase cost etc. of a defibrillator. She assured the Meeting that ownership would be the schools and insurance would be in place and it would be available and accessible to the public.
Proposed by Cllr. S Andrew. Seconded by Cllr. R Oliver and unanimously agreed that the £500 contribution from the Parish Council be released as agreed at the time of an invoice being presented.
16. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Cllr. T Robson
Cllr. T Robson had emailed the notes from the Planning Meeting held at the Bell Inn on 27 February 2022 and discussed possible Grants that are available to support the organization of a Community Picnic/Fete, but this would require the Parish Council making any applications. She assured the Meeting that all risk assessments and insurances would be in place.
The next Planning Meeting was on Sunday 13 March 2022 at the Bell Inn and everyone invited.
With the condition that no liability financially or otherwise would fall on the Parish Council it was Proposed by Cllr. R Oliver; Seconded by Cllr. S Andrew and unanimously agreed that the Chair was delegated to sign any such application forms.
17. Parking outside school and on Station Road – Cllr. T Robson
Cllr. T Robson had forwarded information reference this matter and Cllr W Bowkett had offered to meet with her, school representative (s) and any other interested parties on the site. This offer was accepted by all the Councillors and the date, once agreed, would be circulated.
18. To discuss any further action required for Cooption of a Councillor
It was noted that an open invitation had been extended to anyone interested in the two vacancies since 2019 which had been displayed in the noticeboards and on the website. There was still one vacancy and it was hoped/ encouraged that anyone, who met the Co-opted criteria, would submit the relevant papers.
19. Agenda Items for the next Meeting
Safeguarding Lead
Next Meetings:
Annual Parish Meeting on 12 May 2022 at 18:50 to begin at 19:00
AGM Parish Council on 12 May 2022 at 19:30 (or at the end of the Parish Meeting if that Meeting ends later than 19:30)
Meeting closed at 21:00
Minutes taken by Cllr. C A Holmes