May 2022 Minutes APCM
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held at The Methodist Chapel on Thursday 12th May at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr Sisson (Chair), Cllr Holmes (Vice-Chair) and Cllrs Edwards, Robson, Oliver, Andrew
In attendance: N Whiting, Parish Clerk
Also present: No public attended
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Sisson advised that apologies had been received from Cllr Grant due to unexpected business. He proposed from the Chair, and it was RESOLVED that the apology and reasons for it be accepted.
District Cllr Taylor & County Cllr Bowkett apologise that due to a meeting conflict they are unable to attend.
2. Introduction and welcome of New Clerk, Nathan Whiting
Cllr Sisson introduced the new Parish Clerk & Registered Financial Officer to the Council.
3. Co-option of New Councillor – Mr Chris Edwards of Halton Fenside
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to approve the co-option of Mr Chris Edwards to fill the vacancy.
4. Signing of Acceptance of Office form and Declarations of Interest Form by Co-opted Councillor
Cllr Edwards signed his Acceptance of Office form in the presence of the Clerk. Noted that Declaration of Interest Form to be returned by Cllr Edwards once filled out.
5. Election of Chairman
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to elect Cllr Sisson as Chair for 2022/23.
6. Election of Vice-Chairman
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to elect Cllr Holmes as Vice-Chair for 2022/23.
7. Signing of Acceptance of Office forms by Councillors in front of the Clerk (if appropriate updating of Declarations of Interest Forms)
Cllr Sisson signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chair
Cllr Holmes signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Vice-Chair
8. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Robson declared a personal interest in Minute 16 in view of her Planning Permission application, and Minute 21 in view of her role helping to organise the Jubilee Celebrations.
9. To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes from the last meeting held on 10th March 2022
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of Thursday 10th March 2022 as a correct record, and they were signed by the Chair.
10. To confirm the reappointment or make new appointments to the roles as follows:
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the respective roles:
• Registered Financial Officer Nathan Whiting (Clerk)
• Internal Auditor Victoria Clerk
• Safeguarding Cllr Holmes
• Agriculture, Water & Wildlife, Management incl. Tree Warden Cllr Grant
• Personnel Cllrs Holmes, Oliver & Robson
• Planning Cllr Andrew
• Footpaths North Cllr Oliver
• Finance Cllr Sisson
• Website Cllrs Robson & Edwards
• Grievance Cllrs Grant, Edwards & Andrew
• Footpaths South Cllr Edwards
11. Any matters brought forward from Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May 2022
No matters brought forward
12. Matters to Report from last Meeting (Not to be covered on main Agenda)
No matters to report
13. Correspondence Received
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to note the Correspondence received:
1. Cllr Sisson reported on the Electoral Role for the Parish on 25th April 2022 stands at 396 registered voters.
2. Application for Litterbin in Halton Fenside turned down with no grounds for appeal.
3. Clerks & Council Direct Newsletter received.
14. Informative Matters from the LCC & ELDC Councillors
No issues received from LCC or ELDC Councillors
15. Finance
15.1 Cllr Sisson, as acting Registered Financial Officer reported on the following payments:
£30.00 Victoria Clark, Internal Auditor
£165.70 Zurich Insurance for a 3-year period
£114.00 LALC Training Scheme (including £19 VAT)
It was noted that Cllr Edwards would be taking the New Councillor Training in May, and the Clerk would be looking to undertake CILCA in due course.
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to approve the following payments:
£120.00 Ladybug Services (Grass Cutting) for April & May
Cllr Sisson reported that the Precept had been overpaid, the Council received £7,324.15, the correct figure should be £4,185. An overpayment of £3,139.15. ELDC were looking for a BACS reimbursement. This morning (12th May 2022) ELDC’s bank tried to take two payments, this was denied due to insufficient funds. This has been rectified by not giving permission for the BACS payment.
To rectify the situation, it was RESOLVED by Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council that a cheque be raised for £3,139.15 to return the extra funds to ELDC.
It was NOTED that Income had been received from the National Lottery for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
Cllr Sisson informed the Council that the current bank balance at the time of the meeting was £14,690.65, with £10,652.80 available after ELDC precept overpayment cheque and Jubilee funds are discounted.
Petty Cash was NOTED to be £13.56
15.2 Audit
15.2.1 Cllr Sisson reported as acting Registered Financial Officer that the Parish Council had been audited by the Internal Auditor, Victoria Clark.
15.2.2 Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to accept exemption from full audit Form 2. Cllr Holmes, as Vice-Chair signed due to the Chair Cllr Sisson’ involvement with the audit and signing as RFO.
15.2.3 Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to accept the Annual Intern Audit Report (Accounting Statement)
15.2.4 Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to accept and publish the Annual Governance Statement. Cllr Holmes, as Vice-Chair signed due to the Chair Cllr Sisson’ involvement with the audit and signing as RFO, countersigned by Nathan Whiting, Parish Clerk
15.2.5 Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to accept and publish the Accounting Statement. Cllr Holmes, as Vice-Chair signed due to the Chair Cllr Sisson’ involvement with the audit and signing as RFO.
It was NOTED that to follow up on Page 5, Point 5 regarding Risk Assessment between meetings
15.2.6 Cllr Sisson read the Internal Auditors Report from Victoria Clark. Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to accept the recommendations of the Internal Audit:
1. Cllr’s Sisson, Grant, Andrew, Edwards & Robson require their Declaration of Interests to be published on ELDC Website
2. Column for S137 on Accounts Spreadsheet required - Rectified
3. Instructions apart publishing AGAR documents - Noted
4. Recent Parish Minutes not published on Website - Rectified
5. Annual Parish Agendas & Minutes not on Website - Rectified
6. Recommendation for LALC Website Training Scheme – Not required due to New Clerk
15.3 Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to remove Christine Newton & Sue Clark and add Nathan Whiting to the list of signatories for the bank account.
15.4 Cllr Sisson read out the Asset Register. It was NOTED to follow up on the zero-depreciation figure used. Total assets for the Parish Council total £1,977. It was NOTED during the Asset Inspection that the printer was satisfactory, but the laptop was slow and dated, to be discussed at next meeting.
15.5 Cllr Sisson informed the Council that a P60 had been generated for the previous Clerk, Christine Newton.
16. Planning
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to note the decisions of the following recent applications:
S/072/00156/22 - Hawthorne House, Northorpe Road Approved
S/072/00417/22 - Albion Cottage, Halton Fen Approved with notes on drainage
It was NOTED that the following had been received today and would be discussed between meetings:
S/072/00909/22 – Old Rectory, Northorpe Road - Alterations to the existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation
17. Footpaths & Highways
Cllr Sisson reported that no new jobs have been reported on fixmystreet
18. The Future of the Methodists Chapel – Update on progress secure future of the community venue
1. Cllr Sisson reported that the Methodist Chapel’s future is secured for the immediate future, following an increase in members to meet Methodist requirements for the Chapel’s future.
2. Cllr Holmes reported on a signpost for the Methodist Chapel. NOTED that the Parish Council would have to replace or install a new sign. Cllr Holmes to follow up.
19. Halton Holegate C of E School – Defibrillator – Update report of progress
1. Cllr Robson reported that the Defibrillator is installed at the school, but they are waiting on an electrician to make the device live.
2. It was noted that S137 could be used to help fund the installation of the new defibrillator as it is classed as a community benefit. It was noted that the Council will require an Invoice before being able to commit to S137 funding (note - Section 137 of Local Government Act 1972 enables parish councils to spend a limit amount of money for which parish councils have no specific statutory power, specifically for the benefit of the community they serve).
20. Parking on Station Road at School Drop-Off & Pick Up times – Report of site meeting held on 20th April 2022 and follow up actions taken
Cllr Sisson read out a report from County Cllr Bowkett. It was noted that:
1. A minimum of six staff cars parked on the road during school hours.
2. LCC Highways inspected on Wednesday 11th May 2022 and confirmed that the white lines will be repainted and extended to ensure two properties can access their driveways safely.
3. LCC has sent a letter regarding parking on Manor Drive, due to residents not having access to their driveways due to the parking.
4. A letter was being sent to the Headteacher regarding the parking situation.
5. It was NOTED that the school would have to write to request a 20mph zone outside school, this cannot be from the Parish Council.
21. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Cllr Robson declared an interest in view of being involved in organising the Celebrations.
1. Cllr Robson presented an invoice for £496 for expenses relating for the Jubilee Celebrations. The Parish Council were not involved in the celebrations but had to be used to apply for Lottery Funding that covers the cost of the Celebrations. The Parish Council have not paid out of any of its own funds.
2. The Council required clarification that it was proper practice to pay an individual. Cllr Sisson to follow up with Internal Auditor, Victoria Clark. It was AGREED to pay the invoice on the condition that it was allowable based on advice.
3. Cllr Robson reported that the planning was going really well. There would be no bouncy castle due to insurance, however there would be a Dog Show, Hog Roast, Games, Face Painting, a Musical Duo and more using Marquees and Gazebos.
4. Cllr Sisson had contacted Lady Bug to organise the grass to be cut before the Jubilee Celebrations.
22. Agenda Items of next meeting
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to note the following agenda items for the next meeting:
1. Technology & Security Review of Clerk’s Laptop, Authentication issues and Online Banking
2. Parish Clerk Pension
3. Policy Review by Cllr Robson
4. Boundary Signage for Halton Fenside and also Halton Holegate South.
23. Meeting Date 2022/23
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council RESOLVED to note the following meeting dates for the forthcoming year:
July 14th
September 8th
November 10th
January 12th
March 9th (including Annual Parish Meeting)
May 11th PROVISIONAL as 2023 is Parish Election Year (ALTERNATIVE date – 18th May, depending on election date)
There being no other business, the meeting ended at 9:17pm
Members of the Council considered the foregoing in the matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities, (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and any disability; Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, and Human Rights