November 22 Minutes
Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel on Thursday 10th November 2022 commencing at 7pm.
The Chairman welcomed all present. As no members of the public were in attendance, it was resolved to move into formal session.
Cllrs D Sisson (Chair), C Holmes (Vice-Chair), S Andrew, C Edwards, R Oliver, and T Robson.
District Cllr T Taylor and County Councillor W Bowkett.
Clerk - J Sargent.
39. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of escape routes towards emergency exits.
40. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr J Grant.
41. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 7th November 2022.
With no other matters arising, the minutes from October were resolved unanimously.
42. To approve the actions agreed at the Working Party Meeting on 17th October 2022.
A formal pension policy will be signed off in January. Councillors discussed draft budget for 2023-24 and agreed to an increase of 7.5% in the precept for 2023-24 which will total £4,500.00.
43. Declarations of Interest.
None received.
44. Clerk and Acting Clerk’s Report.
Information via numerous emails distributed to Councillors over the previous month.
45. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
District Councillor T Taylor advised that purple bins have been delivered. The new offices in Horncastle for ELDC have been handed over. Tedder Hall is almost empty of District Council property. The new hub is designed for working from home. Cllr Taylor suggested working from home is the future for ELDC.
Cllr Oliver mentioned that the telephone communication was very poor when trying to communicate with those officers working from home.
County Councillor W Bowkett had nothing to report.
Cllr Sisson advised there had been some confusion in the community over which bin to put out but that has now been sorted.
Cllr Holmes questioned whether ELDC’s planning department were meeting online, however, Cllr Taylor advised that Planning meetings were in person.
46. Finance Matters
There are two bills to pay. One for Victoria Clark’s clerical services and the second from Ladybug services. It was resolved unanimously to pay outstanding invoices.
Cllr Sisson advised Councillors the balance is now £8,832.40. The petty cash remains the same as before and there has been no income.
Cllr Sisson presented Councillors with a draft budget for 2023-24 and recommended that the Council increase the precept by 7.5% to £4,500.00. This increase means that the budget will balance next year as this year looks to be running at a slight deficit. The increase means there will be an extra £300.00 in the precept.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the increase in the precept of 7.5%.
The Clerk discussed how internet banking works with the other Councils he works for, noting the ease and speed of use. All payments have a payment authorisation form to be signed by the signatories on the Council for approval before payments are made. Cllr Taylor added that it’s been beneficial for Spilsby Town Council and improved the transparency regarding the information provided to the Councillors.
Councillors were concerned about the transparency aspect. The Clerk advised that signatories will have viewer only access to the online account.
Cllr Sisson advised that the Internal Auditor had indicated the someone other than the Chair should be regularly checking the bank account. This needs to be implemented in 2023.
It was resolved unanimously to set up internet banking.
47. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
No further progress to the planning of 600 houses.
Brandywell Barn has received full planning permission.
Halton Manor has had both planning applications granted.
48. Policies and Procedures
Cllr Robson will draft a Pension Policy and Correspondence Policy. Policies to be circulated to Councillors prior to the January meeting. Information has been taken from the Government’s website. To be approved in January.
49. Highways and Footpaths
Cllr Edwards requested a speed survey in Halton Fenside via Cllr Bowkett. No further progress has been made with signs via the fix my street website.
Cllr Sisson to ask PCSO Key to perform speed checks in Halton Holegate. The Clerk added that Spilsby Town Council have a Community Speed Watch team who are willing to share resources, however, volunteers will need to undertake training to use the equipment.
Cllr Bowkett asked when the speeding is most frequent and to request PCSO Key perform the speed checks at that time.
Cllr Edwards did not report any problems with footpaths.
50. Personnel - Appointment of new Parish Clerk
Jack Sargent accepted the position of Clerk.
51. To approve the purchase of a new laptop.
This will be deferred as the laptop is currently out of stock.
52. Impact of the use of land at Halton Fenside.
Cllr Edwards reported the issues regarding the use land for a bonfire and fireworks. Cllr Edwards mentioned he spoke with the landowner regarding fireworks and the negative impact this had on animals in the area. It was reported that many members of the community were concerned with the number of fireworks that were used on the night and the number of fireworks that were unused which could potentially be cause further issues on another night such as New Year’s Eve. This could lead to the police being involved due to the close proximity to the road, however, this is not a Council issue.
53. Parking on Station Road during School term time and application of 20mph speed limit
Cllr Bowkett reported that the 20mph speed limit has been refused, however, this will be reassessed. Cllr Bowkett is to meet with the officer to discuss the possibility of lowering the speed limit.
Cllr Holmes reported that the parking issues are getting worse around the school.
54. To consider an event for the coronation of King Charles III.
Cllr Robson discussed the possibility of an event and requested permission from the Council support to set up an independent committee with the intention of organising an event to celebrate the coronation. However, grants and use of insurance to be organised through the Council.
Cllr Sisson mentioned that an expenses form needs to be used by the committee to submit to the Council.
It was resolved unanimously to support the organisation of the committee and the event for the benefit of the community.
55. Agenda items for the next meeting.
No items were proposed.
56. To approve the next meeting date - Thursday 12th January.
It was resolved unanimously to hold the next meeting on Thursday 12th January 2023.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:25pm.
Chair of the Council - Cllr D Sisson
Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent
12th January 2023