July 2023 Minutes - Draft

Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council

Minutes of the full Council meeting held at Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel on Thursday 13th July 2023 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record. 

Cllrs D Sisson (Chair), C Holmes (Vice-Chair), C Edwards, J Grant, and T Robson; and District Cllr T Taylor. 

Clerk - J Sargent.

There were no members of the public in attendance. 

District Cllr T Taylor reported that more community grants were available through ELDC - the UK Prosperity Fund. Cllr Taylor to forward the details. Cllr Taylor also discussed issues with the current hot desk/working from home system at ELDC. 

County Councillor W Bowkett submitted her apologies and a written report via email which was distributed to Councillors. Cllr Sisson also read the report. 

26.    Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of escape routes towards emergency exits. Cllr Sisson welcomed back Cllr Grant.

27.    Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr S Andrew and County Councillor W Bowkett.

28.    Declarations of Interest
None received.
29.    To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes from May as a true and accurate record. 

30.    To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
a.    May
b.    June
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for consideration.

31.    To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation.
a.    May
b.    June
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s financial status. 

32.    To approve outstanding invoices to be paid.
There were no outstanding invoices to be paid.

33.    To receive a budget review from the first quarter of the financial year.
The Clerk provided a budget review from the first quarter of the financial year, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s income and expenditure. Cllr Edwards asked for the Clerk to make a note on the budget regarding the Royal celebrations. The income for the celebrations had been received via grant funding in the previous financial year, but the expenditure in the current financial year. 

34.    To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2022/23.
a.     To approve section 1, points 1 – 9 of the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23.
The Clerk read out each point. It was resolved unanimously to accept each point as correct.

b.    To approve section 2, Accounting Statement. 
The Clerk explained the accounting statement. Some figures need to be submitted with an explanation to the external auditor. ELDC overpaid the precept in the previous financial year. It was resolved unanimously to accept the accounting statement and submit to the external auditor.

35.    To receive a report from:
a.    The Chair.
Cllr Sisson circulated the comments from the internal auditor and advised these points would be worked on over the coming weeks and will be an agenda item for the next meeting. Most of the items in the report relate to issues with website. An update will be provided at the September meeting. Cllr Sisson thanked the Vice-Chair Cllr Holmes for covering his recent absence. 
b.    The Clerk.
The Clerk reported that the ILCA qualification was continuing to go well and will be sitting another exam soon. Preparation for it had gone well. The Clerk also mentioned that work on the internal auditor’s report will be ongoing over the next couple of months ahead of the next audit, booked for October. Cllr Robson offered to help with updating policies. 

36.    To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments. 
a.    Housing Development on Halton Road - 600 houses.
A new developer - Gleeson - have purchased the land. Cllr Taylor advised this would be a different proposal submitted to ELDC. Cllr Grant questioned whether the development was too large. Cllr Taylor advised the new plans will be different. Cllr Robson questioned whether there would be a 106 agreement within the new plans. The Clerk had previously received information that the 106 agreements were being phased out. The Clerk to research and confirm at a later date. 

Cllr Holmes asked if the medical centre would still be built first as per the previous plans. It is thought that this is still the requirement. Cllr Holmes also sought clarification the Halton Holegate Parish Council would be kept updated with any news on the development. Cllr Taylor advised he would follow up with ELDC officers to make sure correspondence was sent to the Clerk. 

37.    To receive an update on highways, footpaths, and road closures.
a.    To consider the problems with parking on Station Road.
Cllr Sisson advised that Cllr Bowkett is meeting with Highways Officers in August to discuss issues that were previously explored when Highways Officers and the LCC executive officer for Highways Cllr Davies came to visit the parish. 

Cllr Edwards mentioned complaints received of overgrown footpaths through fields that had been cut by farmers. Cllr Holmes mentioned trees and hedges that were covering a street sign and chevrons. Cllr Grant advised he would arrange a cut back. 

The Clerk advised taking pictures to send in so they can be forwarded on to the pride team at ELDC or report issues on fixmystreet.

38.    To consider updates to the website so that it is compliant.  
The internal auditor reported issues on the website. Cllrs Sisson, Robson and Edwards to meet with the Clerk to discuss and plan to remedy the issues. Cllr Sisson ask Councillors to report issues if the spot anything that needs updating on the website.

39.    To receive an update on the Alice Audley Jackson Trust.
Cllr Sisson reported attending a recent meeting with the Trust on behalf of the Council, stating that the Trust will continue to be independent and will start making progress to support residents in the parish. Cllr Robson has been appointed as the Clerk to the Trust. Cllr Sisson discussed the possibility of having a section on the website to advertise the Alice Audley Jackson Trust as well as on the noticeboards. 

40.    To receive confirmation that all Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms have been received.
The Clerk confirmed all Declarations of Acceptance of Office had been received. However, Cllr Andrew was yet to submit his DPI form. The Clerk to follow up with Cllr Andrew. 

41.    To receive an update on the official name of the Parish Council
The Clerk reported that he had contacted ELDC for advice. ELDC replied confirming they would look into this and reply with the procedure to change the Parish Council’s official title. On the forms with ELDC for the 2023 elections, the Council is named Halton Holegate Parish Council. Cllr Sisson suggested if the Council decide to apply for a name change it would have to go to a Parish Meeting to give residents a chance to voice their opinions. 

42.    To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
•    To consider banking petty cash as it’s no longer used. 
•    To consider the internal audit recommendations.

43.    To confirm the date of the next meeting.
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 14th September.

44.    To invite applicants for co-option to present themselves to the Parish Council and to allow the Councillors present to ask them questions.
No applications had been received. It was resolved unanimously to defer to the next meeting if applications are received. 

45.    To resolve to exclude the public and media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies Act 1960.
No members of the public were in attendance. 

46.    To consider applications for co-option.
No applications had been received. It was resolved unanimously to defer to the next meeting if applications are received. 
With no further comments, Cllr Sisson closed the meeting at 8:23pm. 

Chair of the Council - Cllr D Sisson

Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent