November 2023 Minutes

Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
Minutes of the full Council meeting held at Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel on Thursday 9th November 2023 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true and accurate record. 
Cllrs D Sisson (Chair), C Holmes (Vice-Chair), C Edwards, and T Robson; District Cllr T Taylor and County Cllr W Bowkett.
Clerk - J Sargent.
There were three members of the public in attendance. 
Public Session
Cllr Sisson welcomed all present and spoke briefly about the drop-in session held to discuss the recent floods in the parish and advised that the data received will help lobby other bodies to help find solutions. 
Resident 1 mentioned how her property was sat in 3 feet of water for 5 days and was unaware of what to do. The resident made numerous phone calls, however, those who were contacted were not interested in standing water. The resident thanked Cllr Edwards for all his help. The resident confirmed that the living space continued to be habitable, with it being above stables; only the entrance of the property was flooded. 
Cllr Sisson insisted that the Parish Council would try their best to help find solutions and provided a form to the resident to complete regarding the floods. 
Cllr Bowkett apologised for the lack of help and advised that she would visit the property. 
Resident 2 spoke about the need to organise a meeting with the Environment Agency to find a way forward, to try to prevent this happening again. The resident suggested any action needs to go beyond the Environment Agency as they’ll say they are limited by funding. The resident also suggested that the drains are not working to capacity as they are not being maintained properly. 
Cllr Sisson re-iterated the Council would try and reasoned that the drains are not there for reeds to grow. Cllr Bowkett advised that she would be working with Cllr Taylor and the Environment Agency, the Drainage Board, and the MPs to find a solution. 
Resident 3 mentioned that a meeting was held in 2007 with the Environment Agency, covering the same ground and suggested that the drainage channels should be used for drainage, not for conservation purposes.
Report from District Councillor T Taylor
District Cllr T Taylor circulated ELDC news updates via email. Cllr Taylor mentioned that the Pride team have received further funding, and more slots will be available from the, should any works be needed in the parish.
Cllr Taylor mentioned the need for an Emergency Plan to be put in placed as the parish was not prepared for an emergency such as the flooding. 
Report from County Councillor W Bowkett
County Councillor W Bowkett submitted a written report via email which was distributed to Councillors. Cllr Bowkett reported on the flooding issues and spoke on grants available to homes and businesses to aid in the recovery for those affected by the floods - contact for more information. Cllr Bowkett has attended meetings to discuss how flood management can be improved. Cllr Bowkett spoke about the continued issues on Station Road, advising the LCC portfolio holder for Highways will be revisiting the area to review the issues and possible solutions. A letter to the school will also be sent regarding the parking issues.
Cllr Robson thanked Cllr Bowkett and Cllr Edwards for their help during the floods. 
With no further matters, it was resolved to move into formal session.
60. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of escape routes towards emergency exits. 
61. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr J Grant. 
62. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Sisson - 5c.
Cllr Robson - 8a.
63. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes from September as a true and accurate record. 
64. Finances
a. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for September.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
b. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for September.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s financial status.
c. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for October.
Cllr Sisson explained that he was reimbursed for the cost of the sand purchased from Huws Gray, which was used to fill sandbags donated by Cllr Bowkett. It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for consideration. 
d. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for October.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s financial status.
e. To receive a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year.
The Clerk provided a budget review from the second quarter of the financial year, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s income and expenditure.
f. To consider the 2024-25 budget.
The Clerk presented Councillors with a draft budget for 2024-25. Cllr Sisson explained the layout of the budget with the final column detailing the 2024-25 proposals. It was resolved unanimously to accept the draft budget.
g. To consider the 2024-25 precept.
The Clerk presented a list of potential increases to the precept from 2.5% to 25%, the value of the precept; and the cost and increase for a band D property. It was recommended that the Council increase the precept by 5% to £4,750.00 to balance the budget next year. The increase means there will be an extra £250.00 on the precept request. For a band D property, this is an increase of £1.43 a year. It was resolved unanimously to accept the increase in the precept.
65. To receive a report from:
a. The Chair.
Cllr Sisson circulated a report prior to the meeting. The website updating went well and thanked Cllrs Robson and Edwards for their help on this. All updates detailed in the internal audit are also now up to date. Cllr Sisson also reported some issues regarding street name plates that have previously been logged to the fix my street website which have not yet been updated, and an overgrown footpath on Northorpe Road is due to be cleared. 
Cllr Holmes mentioned grass and weeds growing in the gutters preventing drainage, potholes, the ‘give way’ sign at the end of Station Road is facing the wrong way, and an issue with the drain on the right-hand side before the bridge on Station Road. 
b. The Clerk.
The Clerk reported being unwell through October, missing a training day as a result. More training days are scheduled in November and December which the Clerk intends on attending as a part of the CiLCA qualification. The Clerk has been trying to catch up with work from the missed days. 
66. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments. 
a. Housing Development on Halton Road - 600 houses.
There were no updates to report on the development.
67. To receive an update on highways, footpaths, and road closures.
a. To consider the problems with parking on Station Road.
Cllr Holmes reported on possible additions to include waiting restrictions, taxi/bus only area, keep clear markings, and a no waiting area south of the school, closer to the bend in the road to allow for clear lines of sight when driving. Cllr Holmes advised that parking on the road the south side of the school is getting worse. 
68. To consider a reply to the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership’s sub-regional strategy consultation.
Cllr Edwards provided a completed survey; it was resolved unanimously for the Clerk to submit the survey to ELDC.
69. To discuss the recent floods in the parish. 
Cllr Sisson thanked Cllr Edwards for his sterling efforts particularly in Fenside and for the updates. Cllr Bowkett was also thanked especially for supplying sandbags, for repeated visits to the parish and as a direct line to a high level at County Council. 
Cllrs Sisson stated the intention to formalise the action the Parish Council would like to take in response to the floods and stated a commitment to campaign on behalf of the parish. Prior to the Parish Council meeting a drop in session was held for residents to share information on what happened. The information will be collated and presented to the flood team at Lincolnshire County Council. 
Cllr Sisson suggested lobbying the Environment Agency to help resolve flooding issues in Fenside. Cllr Sisson spoke of three potential causes that contributed to the flooding. 
Cllr Robson suggested setting up a Council whatsapp group for quicker communications which would allow for a quicker response to an emergency. Cllr Sisson recommended reviewing the emergency plan. Cllr Bowkett advised on using the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum’s template Emergency Plan.
Prior to the floods, the Clerk attended a meeting with Lincolnshire Resilience Forum on updating the emergency plan. 
Cllr Holmes advised not all residents can use modern technology, particularly in terms of methods of communication which need to be taken into consideration. Cllr Holmes also mentioned a section of the LALC newsletter that included information on floods such as important contact numbers and recommended putting these in the noticeboard. Cllr Edwards offered to put this information on the Parish Council’s website.
Cllr Edwards also thanked Cllr Bowkett for her help during the floods as well as Cllr Taylor. Cllr Edwards thanked residents particularly from the farming community for help which included providing pumps and digging trenches. Cllr Edwards also mentioned the creation of a whatsapp group specifically for the Fenside which had been very useful. It was also reported that the sand previously supplied had been used in its entirety. It was resolved unanimously to purchase another bag of sand from the local builder’s merchant. The Clerk to arrange. 
Cllr Taylor recommended the use of a whatsapp group from previous experience, suggesting it would be a good starting point. 
Cllr Robson recommended included other emergencies within the emergency plan, and that this flood serves as a wake-up call. 
Cllr Sisson recommended starting a working group to collate and assess the information received and formulate a plan going forward. 
70. To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
• The Emergency Plan 
Cllr Holmes requested an extraordinary Council meeting, with a single issue, to receive an update on the matters relating to the flooding issues in the parish in December.  
71. To confirm the date of the next meeting.
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 11th January.
With no further comments, Cllr Sisson closed the meeting at 8:28pm. 
Chair of the Council - Cllr D Sisson
Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent
11th January 2024