September 2023 Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
Minutes of the full Council meeting held at Halton Holegate Methodist Chapel on Thursday 14th September 2023 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true and accurate record. 
Cllrs D Sisson (Chair), C Holmes (Vice-Chair), C Edwards, and T Robson; District Cllr T Taylor and County Councillor W Bowkett.
Clerk - J Sargent.
There were no members of the public in attendance. 
County Councillor W Bowkett submitted a written report via email which was distributed to Councillors. Cllr Bowkett report concerns on high blood pressure and encouraged residents to get checked. There are also concerns over single use vapes and how accessible they are to children. Winter preparations are being made for covid vaccinations. 
District Cllr T Taylor circulated ELDC news updates via email.
47. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of escape routes towards emergency exits. 
48. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr J Grant. 
49. Declarations of Interest
None received.
50. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes from July as a true and accurate record. 
51. Finances
a. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for July.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
b. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for July.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s financial status.
c. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for August.
Cllr Andrew asked for clarification on the three payments to HMRC. The Clerk confirmed these payments were for June, July, and August income tax. 
Cllr Sisson questioned the payment to East Lindsey for the election. The Clerk confirmed this payment was for the administration fees of the uncontested election in May. Cllr Sisson expressed disappointment about this cost when there had not been one before for an uncontested election. ELDC did not notify the Parish Council that there would be a charge. Cllr Holmes questioned the transparency of this decision from ELDC and Cllr Robson suggested the Parish Council write to ELDC for an explanation of this decision. The Clerk will write to ELDC and report back. Cllr Taylor advised other Parish Councils had expressed the same concern and disappointment. It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
d. To receive an updated Bank Reconciliation for August.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation, to keep Councillors up to update on the Council’s financial status.
e. To consider banking petty cash
The Clerk explained the petty cash float has remained untouched for about a year and the internal auditor recommended banking the cash. It was resolved unanimously to bank the £13.56 petty cash float.
52. To receive a report from:
a. The Chair.
Cllr Sisson circulated a report prior to the meeting. The website is coming up to date as work continues. Cllr Robson updated the Council on the work to update the website. Updates are ongoing - actively working on updating the minutes archive. Cllr Sisson suggested using Pete Langford from LALC if there is any difficulty uploading the minutes. Cllr Sisson also reported some issues regarding street name plates to the fix my street website, and the village sign on the east of the village has been repaired.  If any further damage occurs, the Parish Council to invite LCC Highways to discuss relocating the sign. 
b. The Clerk.
The Clerk thanked Cllr Robson for her help on the website and with updating policies. The Clerk reported passing the ILCA qualification with an average mark of 94% and will be attending another training day on 26th September at the LALC office with a view to signing up to the CiLCA qualification. Policies continue to be reviewed. The mid-year audit will be arranged for October. Cllr Edwards previously forwarded information to the Clerk to register an expression of interest in grant funding for defibrillators, which was submitted. The Clerk to follow up.
53. To consider policies for review:
a. Standing Orders
b. Financial Regulations
c. Code of Conduct
The Clerk advised adding the following to point 3.x on the Standing Orders:
A meeting shall not exceed a period of 2 hours, however, can be extend by resolution for a period of 15 minutes. 
With that amendment, it was resolved unanimously to adopt the policies considered for review. 
54. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments. 
a. Housing Development on Halton Road - 600 houses.
Cllr Taylor has requested that the parishes this affects are kept up to date with progress. Gleesons and Cynden Homes will be working together on the development. 
Cllr Bowkett advised that there are plans to build 35 houses a year at the site, with work planned to begin in 2024. 
Councillors raised questioned over the medical centre, whether funding was an issue. Cllr Taylor advised the developer will be asked to contribute but this will be an NHS contract. 
Cllr Sisson expressed concerns over the development being split in two, raising questions over the infrastructure, issues with surface water and green spaces. Cllr Bowkett advised the development will be effectively split into two separate developments but still working together to deliver the project.
Cllr Bowkett shared concerns over parking on Halton Road, as this development will inevitably lead to an increase in traffic. There is the possibility of including some parking spaces on the new development for the houses on Halton Road if double yellow lines are put along Halton Road. 
b. S/072/01576/23 - Erection of 2 No. bungalows and construction of pedestrian and vehicular access.
Cllr Sisson updated Councillors on this planning application submitted to ELDC. Cllr Sisson criticised the analysis from Anglian Water, as two main sewers run through the land and suggested previous planning for this land was flawed. Cllr Sisson explained further issues over land ownership and environmental health; and will speak with the case officer for an update. Comments from the Parish Council had already been submitted to ELDC.
55. To receive an update on highways, footpaths, and road closures.
a. To consider the problems with parking on Station Road.
No updates received. Cllr Bowkett to chase LCC officers. 
b. To consider a response to the National Highways and Transport Network Survey.
The Clerk explained this request came in from the County Council. Cllr Edwards volunteered to complete and return to the Clerk to log online. 
c. To consider a response to Lincolnshire County Council’s request to update the drainage records.
Cllr Sisson advised the Council have been asked to comment on LCC’s records and advise on the location of drains in the parish which will help the Highways department when it comes to maintenance. The Clerk provided several pages of maps of the parish for volunteers to mark the drains on the map and return to the Clerk to log online. Cllr Edwards and Cllr Sisson volunteered to complete and return to the Clerk before 15th October deadline. 
56. To receive an update on the actions required from the internal auditor’s report.
Cllrs Sisson confirmed plans to remedy the issues with the website were ongoing. Other issues mentioned on the report including petty cash, staff contracts were either completed or in hand.
57. To consider reviewing the official name of the Parish Council:
a. To consider amending the name of the Parish Council from Halton Holegate Parish Council to Halton Holegate with Halton Fenside Parish Council
b. To consider a formal consultation with residents in the form of a letter drop detailing the positives and negatives of a name change and seeking their views via a questionnaire.
c. To consider questions for the letter drop questionnaire.
The Clerk advised that the officer at ELDC suggested the Parish name should reflect the geographical area. The official name at present is Halton Holegate Parish Council and any proposals would have to be approved at District Council. 
Cllr Edwards advised this was raised to better describe the parish, however, when discussed recently an extended name would be too long. Cllr Edwards advised no one has recently commented on the issue to him but had previously received questions of whether Halton Fenside ceased to be a village. 
Councillors did not express a desire to change the name of the parish. It was resolved unanimously to stay as Halton Holegate Parish Council, however, to recognise Halton Fenside as part of the parish on the website for inclusivity. 
58. To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
• 2024-25 budget.
59. To confirm the date of the next meeting.
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 9th November.
With no further comments, Cllr Sisson closed the meeting at 8:28pm. 
Chair of the Council - Cllr D Sisson
Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent
9th November 2023